Are You Thinking About Hiring Us to
Help Your Law Firm Dominate Google?

If you’re reading this page, then you already know about our unique strategy.

And that’s because you’ve read our Secrets of Attorney Marketing book, or you’ve attended one of our training workshops
(e.g. “A Smarter and More Effective Way to Dominate Google?”), or you’ve been reading our daily emails for a while.

You understand the important distinction between “shopping” keywords and “research” keywords – and how getting your
firm’s website ranked for, literally, hundreds of “research” keywords allows you to steal high-quality potentials from right
under your competitors’ noses, by attracting them to your website before they start shopping around for a lawyer.

And you know about the unique competitive advantage we bring to our clients – how we use artificial intelligence to scan
the Google search results pages for these “shopping” and “research” keywords, identify competitors (many of whom were
unknown to our clients), and then scan their websites looking for weaknesses we can exploit to “steal” their spot.

You’re familiar with our SEO service, and it sounds like exactly the kind of breakthrough you need right now. So, you’re
ready to take the next step and talk with us about working together.

Is this right?

If so, we invite you to schedule a complimentary Strategy Session – so you can jump on the phone with one of our top
consultants, and discuss how all our AI-enhanced method applies to your firm (and the kind of results you can expect).

Here’s how it works:

First, you will complete a short questionnaire. It takes less than five minutes. We need to know a few things – like your
“main” practice area that you’d like us to focus on, which website you would like to catapult to the top of Google, etc.
After you have completed the questionnaire, you’ll be able to pick a slot from our consultant’s calendar app.

While you wait a few days for the Strategy Session call, we will conduct a preliminary analysis of the main “shopping”
keywords in your metro/practice area – so we can identify who your main competitors are, analyze their websites, and use
our proprietary artificial intelligence application to determine the easiest and most direct way to outrank them for these
same “shopping” keywords and, more importantly, hundreds of “research” keywords.

(We’ll write down all our findings into a report, which we’ll present to you during the Strategy Session call.)

As for the call itself, here is what we will cover:

  • Get clarity on your goals – For most solo attorneys and partners of small law firms, this means being able to
    attract, qualify, and close more of the cases you want, i.e. your ideal client.
  • Take an honest look at your current situation – We need to understand where you are at right now, your
    marketing strengths and weaknesses viz-a-viz your competitors, what opportunities and threats are available to
    you, and how much work and time it’s going to take to dominate Google and other online platforms.
  • Competitive analysis – Together, we will review the AI-powered competitive analysis (mentioned above), and
    see how Google places you on the pecking order with other local attorneys (i.e. your “dominance score”).
  • Game plan for getting you to the top – Our consultant will run you through a high-level outline of the same
    strategy we have used with more than 640 solo attorneys and small law firms, to get them dominating Google for
    hundreds of different “research” keywords (so they can attract potentials before they turn to Avvo or start
    shopping around on Google for an attorney). This gives you first-mover advantage.
  • Talk through the terms of our monthly SEO service – Fees, timelines, all the deliverables and intellectual
    property rights you will receive, and the kind of results you can expect after 3, 6, 9, and 12 months.
  • ‘Aye’ or ‘Nay’ – You will have the opportunity to pull the trigger on this, and set your firms rise to Google
    dominance into motion, or, for any reason at all, to pass on this opportunity with no hard feelings.
NOTE: Due to the amount of work involved in onboarding a new client, especially with the AI-powered competitive
analysis, we can accommodate up to a maximum of 12 new clients per month. These spots are usually taken quickly,
sometimes even a month or two in advance. As soon as you submit your questionnaire, we will provisionally reserve a
spot for you – if one is available – so that you don’t have to worry about being put on a waiting list.

In order to schedule this Strategy Session call, we ask that you lay down a $500 deposit today.

This deposit is only to protect our consultants’ time. At the end of the call, our consultant will ask you whether or not you
would like to come on board as a client, so we can use this strategy to help your firm dominate Google and other internet
platforms as fast as humanly possible. If you say “Yes”, the $500 is applied to the first month’s fee. And if you say, “No,
thanks, this isn’t really what I need right now”, we will refund your deposit immediately, no questions asked.

The only circumstances in which you won’t get this $500 back is if – even after agreeing on a mutually convenient date
and time – you fail to show up for the Strategy Session call without giving our consultant notice or making reasonable
effort to reschedule. This is entirely fair, right? After all, as an attorney, you understand the value of time.

This $500 refundable deposit locks in your place on our onboarding calendar – yet it confers no obligation on you
to become a client of ours.
By the time we get to the end of the Strategy Session call, if you’re not excited about the plan
we have laid out, or if you have any second thoughts about working with us, just let us know before you hang up the
phone, and we’ll refund this deposit. No questions. No talk of contracts. No hard feelings. It’s just business.

Does that sound reasonable to you?

If so, click the button below to pay your $500 refundable despot. After payment has cleared, you will be directed to the
online questionnaire, which should take about 3 minutes to complete. Then, you’ll be able to select a date and time slot
from our consultant’s calendar app for the Strategy Session call. (We’ll send an email with all the details.)

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We are really looking forward to talking with you on the phone about this strategy.

Since we first developed this strategy in 2012, we have helped more than 640 solo attorneys and small law firms dominate
Google, attract more of the cases/clients they want, and grow their firm. This monthly marketing program is one of our
most popular and highly-praised services (check out the video below) – and for good reason.

Because it’s a no-brainer.

You already know and understand the power of dominating Google.

You know that in a world where, sadly, potential clients pull out their smartphone and search Google for the answer to
almost any problem they face, being the attorney who shows up first is a HUGE advantage.

Just think about it for a second:

How would you rather potentials find you? As one of many – when they have already done some research about their
legal situation, have a “market price” in their heads, and are ready to search online for a “deal” and compare you side-by-
side with other attorneys based on your fees? Or as the ONLY ONE – when they are scared and confused, searching
online for someone to explain their legal situation, and, crucially, don’t yet have a price in mind?

Over the next 3, 6, and 9 months – and beyond – we will help your firm rank for, and dominate, hundreds of “research”
keywords. When potentials search online for clarity and reassurance, YOUR firm is the one they will find first.

Isn’t that an advantage you would like to have working for you, rather than for a competitor?

And consider this:

If your investment in dominating Google helps you to attract just one or two new clients per month who would have
otherwise gone with a competitor, then it has already paid for itself. Just one or two new cases.

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“Speakeasy Authority Marketing is the best thing that has happened to my law practice!”

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