Showing up online before they start shopping for an attorney

"Showing up online before they start shopping for an attorney..."

Position yourself as the authority on their type of case. Earn their trust and respect. Showcase your unique expertise.
Make them want YOU representing them — and not just any attorney who happens to come first on Google.
For Attorneys Who Want to Own Their Marketing

For Attorneys Who Want to Own Their Marketing

No extortion here. You own — absolutely and forever — your website, domain name,
telephone numbers, social media accounts, and all other content that gets published in
your name. Period. We do not hold attorneys and their law firms hostage.

For Attorneys Who Are Tired of the Online Rat Race

For Attorneys Who Are Tired of the Online Rat Race

It's time to stop competing against 15+ other attorneys in your metro/practice area for
the same so-called "commercial" keywords. We've perfected a way to show up first. One
that positions you as THE attorney — rather than just another option.

For Investors, Not Opportunists

For Investors, Not Opportunists

There comes a point in an attorney's career when it's time to invest in building a real
marketing presence. Do you really want to spend the next ten years fretting about where
the next case is going to come from? You need a dependable process.


Attract More Potential Cases
Than You Need, Consistently

Transform your website, directory profiles, social media accounts, and other online
properties into an authority platform that positions you as a respected authority.

One Breakthrough That Changes the Destiny of Your Law Practice

One Breakthrough That Changes the Destiny of Your Law Practice

When you get down to brass tacks, most attorneys want the same two things from their law practices.


A law firm that provides you with a dependable income — one that is commensurate with the insane amount of debt you had
to take on, and all-nighters you had to put in, to get through law school and pass the Bar.

At the same time, though, you want to practice law on your terms.

Representing people you like. Taking on cases your conscience can get behind. Fighting causes you believe in. Being a force for
good. Working the hours you choose. Being able to take the occasional afternoon off when your boy has a baseball game, or
take your girls out camping for the weekend. Making it home for dinner more often than you do not.

Conventional wisdom holds that freedom and security are mutually exclusive. That one is the price you must inevitably pay in
order to enjoy the other. Our verdict, after more than a decade helping attorneys get both?


Not only is it possible to have both freedom and security as a solo attorney or owner/partner of a small law firm, the two of
them are doors that are both unlocked with the same key. One breakthrough gets you both of them.

What is this key, this breakthrough?

Abundance of choice.

As a professional, there is a strict limit to the number of people you can help at any one time.

When you barely have enough new cases coming in to pay the bills, you're often forced to make uncomfortable compromises.
In many cases, lowering fees and having to carry out some unpaid work. This creates a negative spiral. The gap between what
you ideally need to earn and what you bill widens. The amount of time you have available for networking or outreach shrinks.
You're always worrying where the next case is going to come from.

The force that creates this negative spiral can flip, though.

When it does, the most amazing thing happens. Your docket/pipeline gets oversubscribed.

You're now having to turn away business. Many days, good business. And if you weren't already bursting at the seams, you'd
cry at the thought of having to let this business go. But you no longer need it. You're now more selective over what you take on.
You charge higher fees, and tend to select the cases that most play to your strengths.

Before long, other attorneys notice that you're always in court with the big cases.

People get used to seeing your face. You develop a reputation for winning. Hearts sink when they see your name as the
opposing council. This further attracts the cases you want to you. You become the leading figure. Your name gets tossed
around at country clubs and cocktail parties. People feel cool referring you to their peers, and delight in making it clear to
others that you "are" their attorney. Your name may even open doors.

All this originates from one strategic shift.

One breakthrough that changed the destiny of your law practice.

You started attracting more potential cases than you needed,
consistently. From there, everything else fell into place.

And how did you do that?

You invested in building an online authority platform:


Attract More Potential Cases
Than You Need, Consistently

Transform your website, directory profiles, social media accounts, and other online
properties into an authority platform that positions you as a respected authority.

The Peter Drucker Marketing Strategy for Attorneys

The "Peter Drucker" Marketing Strategy for Attorneys

This done-for-you marketing program is unlike all the others. And that's the whole point.

It's based on the following idea:

If you want to be treated different, you need to show up different. If you want the most attractive clients to give you
preferential treatment, the onus is on you to provide more value upfront. More of the same will only get you more of
the same. Change requires change.

We don't mean get all "Lao Tzu" on you. But it amazes us how many attorneys expect affluent, motivated, and respectful clients
to show up in their office on a silver platter, even though, from a marketing point of view, there is very little to differentiate
them from the dozen or two other attorneys who want that business just as badly.

This is madness. It's insanity.

The core tenet of our Authority Platform Program (APP) is to show up different, in way that positions you as the obvious choice.
We help attorneys do this over three dimensions.

1. When — Showing up hours, days, sometimes even weeks before a potential client decides to start price-shopping online for
an attorney. In most cases, you'll be the only lawyer in the picture.

2. What — Showing up with content that mirrors how your clients think and talk, rather than how you and your peers think and
talk. This makes your presence more valuable and more compelling. It commands respect.

3. How — Showing up not just as an expert or a trusted advisor, which are "rah-rah" titles almost any and every attorney can
claim, but as the apparent authority on a particular metro/practice area or niche.

There can be many legitimate experts.

But there can only be ONE leading authority.

If we were to give this strategy a catchy name, we could call it:

"Showing up fustest with the mostest [to give], and positioned as the bestest".

Peter Drucker would be proud.


Attract More Potential Cases
Than You Need, Consistently

Transform your website, directory profiles, social media accounts, and other online
properties into an authority platform that positions you as a respected authority.

The Bottom Line on Where the Profession of Law is Headed

The Bottom Line on Where the Profession of Law is Headed

Like most "gold-collar" professionals, like dentists, physicians, CPAs, etc., attorneys serve the middle class. Like it or not, most
dollars that come into your practice as billings come from the salaries of middle-class Americans.

For many years, the middle class has been decimated. Every tenth dollar of income called forward and then summarily
executed, almost every year running since the "end" of the last Great Recession.

Now, the middle class is being squeezed harder than ever.

Anybody with two eyes and a brain can see that.

But this is only the "demand" side of the story.

The profession of law has changed too.

Falling demand for legal services, clogged-up courts, AI that is now becoming so powerful it takes your breath away, and a host
of other trends have seen Big Law laying off lawyers like there is no tomorrow. It's obviously a foolish and misguided move,
because those attorneys who survive the cuts are teetering on the edge of burnout. Many end up leaving. Whether they are
laid off or quit, the destination remains the same: they set up their own small firms or solo practices.

These attorneys don't compete with their erstwhile employers and chase the big accounts. Because they can't get that
business. They throw their hat into the ring and become the latest of a dozen or two solos and small firms competing for the
same cases you want to attract. YOUR cases.

Demand for legal help keeps on falling.

Supply of legal help keeps on going up.


The average attorney faces a very bleak future.

If there's one point we want you to take away from this, it's this:

As an experienced attorney with unique expertise and a compelling story, you are NOT average. If the market is treating you
like an average attorney, it's because your marketing is putting you out there as just another option.

We exist to help you change that.

Average attorneys have a rough ride ahead of them. But, as always, many of our attorneys are experiencing the best years of
their career. What do they have that the other attorneys don't?

Authority positioning.

No matter how the economy is doing, there will always be a segment of affluent people who want the best lawyer taking care of
them. Many of us describe "best" in different ways. These clients want the attorney they perceive as the expert. The authority
figure who stands head and shoulders above the others. And they will happily pay more for this privilege, just like they would
for the best surgeon, etc.

This is your ticket.

You have the experience.

You have the unique expertise.

You have a compelling story.

What don't you have? What's missing?

An online authority platform that attracts clients who value expertise more than saving money, and converts them into phone
calls. That's what the Speakeasy Authority Platform Program is about. Apply now, before this intake fills again.